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The 2016 Lovecraft-Inspired Gift Guide


It has started snowing on my blog, which means it’s time for my annual Lovecraft-themed gift guide! A big ol’ list of Lovecraftian items I’ve found throughout the year and gathering into one place. Here you can find gifts for the mythos-lover in your life or for yourself. There’s a lot of great stuff, something for all ages. Enjoy! (Thanks to those who sent in submissions!)

As before, I’ve organized the list by category and ordered them by price making it easy to browse. Have a favorite New Weird or mythos-themed item I left off? Leave a comment at the bottom and let everyone know!

❅ Quick Jumps ❅


[About the Art:] This year’s Featured Image was created by the artist Rebecca Kemp. Check out the full-color version on Deviant Art. You can see more of her work and shop her store on her website. (Some great Lovecraftian art there as well.)


Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValleThe Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValle
$9.99 + Free Shipping (Paperback) $2.99 (eBook)
Jazz Age New York is a dangerous place for a man like Charles Thomas Tester. It gets even more dangerous after he runs a quick delivery job involve sorceresses and occult tomes. Written as a response to Lovecraft’s own, The Horror at Red Hook, LaVelle writes a novel of intrigue that is as engaging as it is subversive.

The Stars Were Right by K. M. AlexanderThe Stars Were Right by K. M. Alexander
$14.00 + Free Shipping (Paperback) $0.99 (eBook)
In celebration of the holidays, eBook copies of my first book, The Stars Were Right, are on sale everywhere for only 99¢! Join Caravan Master Waldo Bell as he tries to clear his name in the coastal megalopolis of Lovat. Mysteries and monsters, chases and cults, fights and food trucks, and a whole lot more.

bookcisforcthulhuC is for Cthulhu by Jason Ciaramella & Greg Murphy
$15.00 + Shipping (Board Book)
Kids need to learn their letters, so why not have them learn with this absolutely adorable alphabet book featuring the mythos from Lovecraft himself? Make sure you check out the C is for Cthulhu Coloring Book and other goodies as well.

Lovecraft Country by Matt RuffLovecraft Country by Matt Ruff
$15.99 + Free Shipping (Paperback) $7.99 (eBook)
A Lovecraftian horror set during the tumultuous period of Jim Crow America. The story follows Atticus Turner, his Uncle George—publisher of The Safe Negro Travel Guide—and a childhood friend as they embark on a road trip to New England.

HPL's Call of Cthulhu for Beginning Readers by R.J. IvankovicHPL’s Call of Cthulhu for Beginning Readers by R.J. Ivankovic
$19.95 + Shipping (Hardcover)
What if Dr. Seuse told stories of ancient evils slumbering beneath the waves? In this adaptation of Lovecraft’s most famous work, The Call of Cthulhu, R.J. Ivankovic explores that very idea. Charmingly illustrated this is a must for any Lovecraftian fan.

bookscodexseraphinianusCodex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini
$91.99 + Free Shipping (Hardcover)
Not really weird fiction, but certainly weird. Last Christmas, Kari-Lise bought me this gorgeous art book, and I instantly fell in love. Imagining an encyclopedia of a strange and surreal world, Serafini asks questions about literacy (as of yet the book is unreadable) and the sharing of knowledge. It’s weird, hypnagogic, and absolutely beautiful.

Not finding a book you like? Check out one of the previous guides.
2014’s Books2015’s Books


 The Shadow Out Of Tim by The Darkest of the Hillside ThicketsThe Shadow Out Of Tim by The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets
$10.00 CAD + Shipping
I don’t really know how to describe The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets. On the surface, it’s surf-rocky alternative music, but it’s also a love letter to H.P. Lovecraft, cosmic horror, and weird fiction as a whole. This 2007 rock opera follows Dr. Timothy Vess descent into madness. It’s fun and real weird.

Shoggoth on the Roof Cast AlbumShoggoth on the Roof by HPLHS 
$15.00 + Shipping
What do you get when you mix one part H.P. Lovecraft mythos with one part Fiddler on the Roof? You get one of the strangest (and hilarious) cast albums available on the market. It’s funny, familiar, and perfect for musical fans in your life. Wait until you hear If I Were A Deep One.

Nyarlathotep by Cryo Chamber CollaborationNyarlathotep by Cryo Chamber Collaboration
$15.00 + Shipping
Dark ambient is my go-to music for when I work on the Bell Forging Cycle, and at the top of my list is the label Cryo Chamber. Once again, they have released a Lovecraftian themed soundscape album. This time influenced by chaos himself. It’s good stuff, haunting and mysterious.

Not finding any music that interests you? Check out one of the previous guides.
2014’s Music • 2015’s Music


Bell Caravan Patch Now Available

Bell Caravans Patch
$5.00 + Shipping (Order by Dec. 9th for Christmas Delivery.)
This beautiful 3″ patch, designed by illustrator Sean Cumiskey, is the perfect way of declaring your loyalty to your beloved caravan master. Put it on your backpack, a tote, or display it on the sleeve of your jacket, just make sure the world knows who you roll with.

Elder Sign Lapel PinElder Sign Lapel Pin
$10.00 + Shipping
This protective and yet incredibly classy lapel pin comes from Dagon Industries and is fancy enough for cocktail parties, investigative archeology, or even on fancy boat trips to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Whatever you end up doing, make sure you do it in style.

Cthulhu Cardigan
$79.99 + Shipping
It’s said, that in his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. So why not don a fancy cardigan until he wakes up? Perfect for your holiday parties or for reading ancient and leather bound books while you smoke a pipe. Whatever floats your boat, or… yacht, I suppose.

Not finding any apparel you like? Check out one of the previous guides.
2014’s Apparel • 2015’s Apparel


$9.99 on Steam
In this delightful (and violent) dungeon crawl, you take on the role of the hero while your friends try to best you playing as a variety of horrific Lovecraftian monsters. A fresh take on a classic game Crawl is intense, hilarious, and loads of fun for groups.

$25.00 + Tax and Shipping
In this competitive card game for 2-4 players, you work to summon Lovecraftian monsters and other creatures from myth and legend and pitch them against your opponent. The art is incredible, and the gameplay is fun and fast-paced.

A Study in Emerald BoardgameA Study in Emerald
$65.00 + Free Shipping (Price can vary)
Based on the Neil Gaiman short story of the same name. There’s a secret war brewing. In this game, players build decks and either work with the Restorationist towards freeing humanity from the Old One’s reign or siding with the Loyalists and fighting to preserve the kingdom.

Mansions of Madness 2nd EditionMansions of Madness 2nd Edition
$150.00 + Free Shipping (Prices can vary.)
The newest version of my favorite boardgame of all time removed the work of the Keeper and replaces their role with an app. The benefits are immense, games can be saved, set up time is significantly lessened, and the app handles a lot of the rules. A must for fans of the original.

Not finding a game you like? Check out one of the previous guides.
2014’s Games • 2015’s Games


Funko Cthulhu FigureFunko Cthulhu Figure
$10.00 + Free Shipping
The most adorable little horror you’ve ever seen. Funko’s stylistic take on the Great Old One is available for locations other than the sunken city of R’lyah. Also comes in an exclusive glow-in-the-dark version as well. Terror has never been so cute.

Cthulhu Tree TopperCthulhu Tree Topper
$19.99 + Shipping
I mean, this is a Christmas gift list after all, so we have to include something festive, right? I think it’s a rule. Why not adorn your Christmas tree with this scary Cthulhu tree topper! It’s a nice way to add a little more terror to your holidays. Angels are so passé.

Squishable CthulhuSquishable Cthulhu
$42.00 + Shipping
It’s winter in the northern hemisphere, and during the cooler months it’s always nice to cozy up to a pal. Especially if that pal happens to be a plushie version of everyone’s favorite Great Old One. Adorable and enormous (15″) he’s perfect for both companionship and cuddles.

Cthulhu SteinCthulhu Stein
$70.00 + Shipping
Steins are the cool way to store beverages. Cthulhu steins are even cooler. Enjoy not only your delicious drink of choice (a nice oatmeal stout is fitting for this time of year) but the gorgeous relief work on the side of this stein. Madness-inducing and yet so delicious.

Housewares is a new section this year, so I don’t have any links to previous years. However, I am planning on making this a regular category going forward.


Miskatonic University Parking PermitMiskatonic University Parking Permit
$3.00 + Shipping
It has been said that campus security is notorious for cracking down on illegal parking. So why spend all your time worrying? Get yourself a student parking permit! Besides, you have more important things to fret about, non-Euclidean geometry isn’t going to study itself.

Miskatonic Pin CollectionMiskatonic University Pin Collection
$6.49 + $2.25 Shipping
This fun little set of four 1″ pins commemorates all manner of Miskatonic-centric events that never happened, from the ill-fated Antarctic expedition to class and alumni reunions. Great little stocking stuffer for those Miskatonic fans in your life.

Miskatonic University Antarctic Expedition KitMiskatonic University Antarctic Expedition Kit
$30.00 + Shipping
This wonderful little prop set comes with all manner of goodies recovered from the doomed Antarctic expedition, a field journal, a star stone, a photo taken by Professor Dyer, a page from Professor Lake’s notes, and more! It’s a great little collection.

Not finding any Miskatonic stuff you like? Check out one of the previous guides.
2014’s Miskatonic Goodies • 2015’s Miskatonic Goodies

❅ Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ❅

Filed under: Shop Tagged: a study in emerald, bell caravans patch, christmas, crawl, cthulhu, elder sign, gifts, lapel pin, lovecraft, mansions of madness, miskatonic university, mythos books, necronomicards, nyarlathotep, shoggoth on the roof, the stars were right

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